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Stories and Tips
Interesting stories and helpful information

Big Bear Meets His Match
Zizi lets her buddy Bear wear her hat. Bear the Swiss mountain dog was out of control, his owners said. He would run off and drag his...

Twice Around the Earth Together
Woof, 1999-2019 This photo was taken In Island Park, Idaho about 900 miles into our long-distance pack trip across Montana, Idaho, and...

Community Pitches in to Fix a Big Boy
Great Dane Odin Odin came to us after having a few issues with dogs. His people enrolled him in our Good Dog socialization course, which...

The Bigs Become Jet-setters
"The Bigs," Matt and Malcolm claim their couch in their Falcon 50 What do you get if you cross a Turkish akbash and Irish wolfhound?...

Biggest Failure of a Trainer's Career
Dax & Shep These guys, owned by different people, were two of the toughest dog-aggression cases I ever worked. They required a lot of...

Mean Dog Gets His Last Chance
Dakota You'd never infer it from this picture, but huge Dakota, a sweet, loving dog to people, was fiercely aggressive toward dogs he...

California Beach Boy Meets -24 Degrees
Wallace looks so fetching in his winter duds. If you think Wallace the French bulldog looks a bit entitled, peeved, or both, you are...

A Wild Pup Becomes a Mentor
Lucy (left) and JD. I've never understood how some dog boarding professionals can care for dogs in a sort of transactional way without...

Uncle Parker Turns His Life Around
"Uncle" Parker with Lottie & Olli Parker is one of my all-time favorite employees. He looked a bit rough, sort of like a moonshiner or...

Scary Dog Meets The Woman in the Blue Dress
Buff and the Woman in the Blue Dress Look at this boy, "Buff." Is his the face of a lover or a fighter? Buff had been surrendered to the...

General Smedley Demoted to Private
General Smedley Story coming soon.

The Dog No One Wanted
Jack Jack had been at the animal shelter much longer than any dog. No one, it seemed, wanted him. The staff and volunteers loved him, and...

Toby The Terrible
Story coming soon.

Five Year-old Dog Trainer
Zizi with Atlas Don't let her diminutive stature, pink pants, and smile fool you. Five year-old Zizi is one tough chick. The previous...

An 86 Year-old Woman vs. a 106-pound Pit Bull
Story coming soon.

A Huge Dog, Out of Control
Story coming soon! An apt name: Bear. This monster dog, a Swiss mountain dog, would rush out of his garage barking like mad, growling,...

Dangerous T-beau's Last Chance
T-beau "Red zone case." This is the label we place on the most dangerous dogs, those that aggressively attack dogs and/or people. T-beau,...

The Dog That Proved Me Wrong
Bad birthday boy Bruce "Put him down." That was my advice, which in my career I had only given it once before. I believed he would...

Cougar Hunting Dog Tries to be a Pet
MJ on "her" couch The woman's tone on the phone indicated her frustration. "We have this dog, M.J., and every time I run with her on the...

Dog Named After a Hamburger Bites
Big Mac Big Mac. Ironic name for a high-end French bulldog that flies in a private jet between multiple homes in different states. In...
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