How to Help Solve Pet OverpopulationI believe every dog should have a home, and over the years have contributed money, time, and expertise to help make that happen in my...
Do Dogs Prefer to Board or Stay Home?People often ask if dogs prefer to stay home or board when their people travel. In my opinion, it depends on the dog. If your dog is...
How To Create a Well-adjusted DogSocializing dogs at a dog park. These days people take their dogs everywhere. We take them in the car to run errands, to restaurant...
Can a Dog-aggressive Dog Be Rehabilitated?I often wonder how I became the guy that gets all these red zone cases, including the dangerous dogs. These cases can be rewarding, but...
Are Pit Bulls Inherently Dangerous?Story coming soon! When Paco the pit bull walked down the street on a leash, everyone moved out of the way. He would wag his tail and...
Timidity, The Most Difficult Behavior Problem to FixDan the Man Dan the golden retriever was so afraid of the world that his new adoptive owner could not even catch him. Dan would run into...